Connect to the municipal grid

Connection options provided by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

NMBM developed new services for customers who would like to connect their renewable energy generation facility to the grid. These services will allow customers to use the distribution grid to wheel their electricity to a third party or sell excess electricity to NMBM. The two new services are called:


  • Wheeling
  • Net-Billing


More information on the new tariffs can be found here: Tariff book 2022-23

and more information on the connection options can be found here: Renewable Energy Guideline

Customers who would like to connect their generation facilities to the NMBM electrical grid, must hand in the SSEG application form with all the required supporting documents and register their system. This applies to residential, commercial or industrial customers.

The application form for the connection of the renewable energy facility can be downloaded here.

When deciding on which company you would like to proceed with, please consider beside the price also following points:

  • How much experience does the company got? Asked about references of finished installations.
  • Are they registered with the PV GreenCard?
  • Is the offered equipment certified for the South African market, are they meeting the NRS standards?
  • What is the warranty on the different products and installation?



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