Frequently asked Questions
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Although the account is closed, payment is due for services supplied up to the last reading or services supplied. Take note of the last reading date on your account before the account is closed.

Check that you used the correct account number as a reference. Make sure your payment was made before the account was due. Remember that this type of payment will appear on your account only four (4) business days after the payment was made, to cater for the administration prcoess of cash aollocation. If your payment is still not reflected, contact your nearest Customer Care Office with proof of the electronic payment in order for the payment to be traced and allocated to your account.

NMBM banking details are as follows:

ABSA current account: 40-7953-3842

Branch code: 632005

EFT payments:

Set the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality up as a beneficiary and use your municipal account number 600224068008 as your reference number on your payment notification.

Please note

All EFT payments must be made 4 days before the account due date to ensure the payment is allocated to the correct municipal account by due date. EFT payments less than 4 days before the account due date could be allocated to the municipal account after the due date and the account holder will be liable for late payment interest. Your new month's account will always reflect an arrear amount if the payment is allocated after the statement is processed. Please pay timeously in future.

The following ABSA account must be utilised for the payment of single accounts

Account beneficiary: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Absa current account
Account number: 40-7953-3842
Branch code: 632005

The following ABSA account number must be used for the payment of multiple accounts and Traffic Fines:

Account beneficiary: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Absa current account
Account number: 40-7953-3826
Branch Code: 632005

Yes, the site drainage system is indicated on the building plan and the general services plans are available from services division and, are available for the public upon request and with the payment of the relevant tariff, should a copy be requested. Reference being made to the Waste Water Department - 6th Floor, Mfanasekhaya Gqobose Building, former Eric Tindale Building.

The Building Inspectorate Office is the primary source of information about your property. Ask for a copy of the history for your property. This history is typically previously approved plans with dates of all building additions done and general data about the construction. The Building Inspectorate Main Office (PE) can be reached at 0415062462.

Please note that copies of the records can be made at the Central Information offices (Ground Floor, Lillian Diedricks Building) after payment has been made on the ground floor at the cashiers, Mfanasekhaya Gqobose Building. Please note that no cash will be accepted for plan copies at the Building Inspector Archive counter and that you will only receive a receipt for payment to be made at the cashiers. You will be charged according to size of prints of the plans as well as the amount of copies you require.
When you complete your project, you should contact the building control office (the building inspector) to arrange a final inspection. It is recommended that any final payments to builders are only made after the inspection has been carried out and a certificate of occupancy is issued. It is essential that you request a final inspection as soon as possible following practical completion, the certificate provides you and future owners of the development that "as far as can be reasonably ascertained” work complies with current building standards. It is important that all relevant inspections are requested prior to completion. Occupation certificate should not be taken as guarantee or warranty of the building works.

Please remember we cannot replace the services of a Project Manager or Architect - whilst we will always endeavor to ensure that your work meets current standards our site presence is comparatively limited you may need to employ the services of appropriate consultants for quality assurance assessments purposes.

Request for final inspection from building control and produce applicable certificates (Engineers completion certificate, glazing, roof, certificates of compliance electricity) if all is in order the Building Inspector / Chief Building Inspector will issue a certificate of occupancy.

The Customer Care and Revenue Management by-laws regulate the following issues:-



1. Definitions

2. Scope of By-laws


3. Municipal Manager as responsible officer

4. Delegations


5. Application for supply of municipal services and service agreements

6. Credit screening

7. Deposits

8. Billing and payment

9. Termination of service agreements


10. Amount due for assessment rates

11. Claim on rental for assessment rates in arrears

12. Liability of directors and members for assessment rates


13. Arrangement for payments

14. Interest on overdue municipal accounts

15. Debt collection mechanisms


16. General provisions

17. Metering equipment and measuring of consumption

18. Resale of water or electricity

19. Assistance to the poor


20. Council's powers to restrict or disconnect supply of services

21. Tampering, unauthorised connections and reconnections, and improper use

22. Clearance certificate

23. Tenders and grants-in-aid

24. Power of entry and inspection

25. Relaxation, waiver and differentiation of customers

26. Power of Council to recover costs

27. Prima facie evidence

28. Authentication and service of orders, notices and other documents

29. Abandonment of bad debts, and full and final settlement of an account

30. Right of appeal

31. Offences

32. Transitional provision

33. Saving provision

  • Take your ID and the correct address where you require the connection to your nearest municipal enquiries office. Take money or a chequebook along with you, as deposits and connection fees are payable.
  • In terms of the relevant NMBM By-law, the institution may contract with the registered owner of a property only: therefore you must be the registered owner in order to open a service (water and/or electricity) account.
  • Where the owner cannot report to the counter to sign the contract/agreement form, the owner may send a duly authorised person, together with a power of delegation letter, in order to open the account. Note that the account will be opened in the owner’s name – not in the name of the delegated representative.
  • Tenants cannot open accounts in their own names.
  • Request the enquiry clerk for assistance to open an account at the counter and ask about the deposit and connection fees.
  • The connection form will be completed on-line, whereafter the required deposit is payable at the cashiers in the banking hall.
  • The cashier will keep your connection form and forward it to the correct department for connection.
  • You will receive a copy with your receipt printed on the connection form.
Only registered ATTP (indigent) customers are entitled to a free supply of 8 kl of water and 75 kWh units of electricity monthly. It is the responsibility of the account holder to pay for any and all consumption in excess of free allocation. 
The MPRA Section 50 (6) states: 

"The lodging of an objection does not defer liability for payment of rates beyond the date determined for payment".

Therefore the account must still be paid until the objection process has been finalised.

The MPRA Section 55 (2) states :

"If an adjustment in the valuation of a property affects the amount due for rates payable on that property, the municipal manager must :

(a) calculate - 

 (i) the amount actually paid on the property since the effective date; and 

 (ii) the amount payable in terms of the adjustment on the property since the effective date ; and 

(b) recover from, or repay to, the person liable for the payment of the rate the difference determined in terms of paragraph (a) plus interest at a prescribed rates.
Legislation allows you to object to any entry or omission from the General Valuation Roll but not the roll in total. A property owner can also not object to the rates that you are paying or are due to pay; The Valuation Services directorate does not determine rates. We are responsible for the determination of property values, which are used as the City's rates base by the Rates & Taxes directorate to calculate your rates.

Notice is given that the Council, in terms of Section 30(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act No. 117 of 1998, as amended, read with Section 10G(7)(a)(ii) of the Local Government Transition Act, Second Amendment Act No. 97 of 1996, has by resolution taken by the majority of its full number, resolved to increase the existing fees and advertising costs payable in respect of the above as follows, with effect from 01 October, 2018:






Application for Consent



Application fee

R 1520


Advertising fee

R 5067



R 6857


Application for Rezoning



Erven 0 -2500 m2

R 1904


Erven 2501 – 5000 m2

R 3806


Erven 5001 – 10 000 m2

R 7613


Erven 1 ha – 5 ha

R 10151


Erven over 5 ha

R 12688


Advertising fee

R 5067


Application for Departure from



Application fee

R 1502


Advertising fee

R 5067


Application for Subdivision – Application fee



Basic fee

R 1520


Subdivision fee for the first 2 Erven is (R 6569) and thereafter R 254 per erf/unit or portion

R 254


Advertising fee

R 5067


Application for Removal of Restriction



Application fee

R 1520


Advertising fee

R 5067


Sale or Lease of land



Application fee

R 1520


Advertising fee (Refundable Deposit)

R 5067





Application fee

R 1520


Advertising fee

R 5067


Application for Appeal



Application fee

R 3150


House Shop Application Fee



Application fee

R 518

Report this to your library immediately to prevent fines being incurred.  You will be asked to either pay the replacement cost of the book, or to replace it with the same or similar title in mint condition.

No, mSCOA will not affect any payment owed by you/to you. Its aim is to standardise how all Municipalities classify their financial data, i.e. it introduces a standardised classification of a Chart of Accounts (General Ledger) across   all  Municipalities .

It is important to remember that the Municipality has to fund most projects and maintenance work in its area itself. Road maintenance, stormwater drainage systems, electricity consumed by street lighting and many other services that directly or indirectly benefit NMBM residents have to be financed. The income from rates charges finances these and other community services. 

Contact the Call Centre on (041) 506 5555 or contact any of the Customer Care Satellite Offices and establish the full balance owing as well as the re-connection fee. Make these payments and take the receipt to the Customer Care enquiries section where a staff member will arrange for the re-connection of your services. 
You can apply for a rates rebate should you qualify for such a rebate. There are various types of rates rebates.

Annual property rates are payable in full on or before the end of September each year.


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